Static business website(5 to 7 pages) with one year hosting start $650 including 12 time update during a year.

Design | Domain | Developed | Hosting | Manintain | SEO | Multimedia-Marketing

Web Design

We do Web Design customize it for the client. Rip out the parts that you don't like, add in the features that you need, and recode the styling to match your branding. Even customer can use use their own template to develop site.


We can make software according to customer requirement and business need which helps business to organise payments and catalogs and managin customer contacts and sales purchase history, with ongoing support.


We have expert team for Mobile app developement for Android and iOS and that also sync with your business website data, to give your client more flexibiliy to use eighter website or Mobile app, and after developement ongoing support contract.

Technologies we are using in M Techno


Web Developement
Software Development
App Development

Our Clients

Contact Us

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Address :

: [email protected]

: Sydney - 2762

: +61 420 702 784

Business Hours :

Monday : 8.00 AM to 6.30 PM
Tuesday : 8.00 AM to 6.30 PM
Wednesday : 8.00 AM to 6.30 PM
Thursday : 8.00 AM to 6.30 PM
Friday : 8.00 AM to 6.30 PM
Saturday : 8.00 AM to 6.30 PM
Sunday : Close

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Type of website FAQ !

What is a static website? Static web pages are made of “fixed code,” and unless the site developer makes changes, nothing will change on the page. Think of it like a brochure for a business. Static sites give a lot of the same type of information that you could get from a brochure, but it can't just change itself. cost $650 with one year hosting plan and around $250 yearly hosting, based on client required plan. for example we have built for one our client. G-Steelframe installer | Patel Auto Service Center

Ecommece is where Client posting new item and selling online where it include Payemtn gateways like card, paypal, pay after, this kind of website needed dynamic content and its offen change as per the business required and need. its always cheaper to use shopify or wix platform as they offer out of box feather which is reduce the cost but comes with limited option to customise it. it will cost plan client choose from shopify or wix and one time charges $950 + yearly hosting plan

Even if you don't plan on selling anything in an online store, a website is still helpful for establishing an online presence, building your brand and advancing your entrepreneurship goals. When building a business website, client need to provide the requirement and content and picture. based on that cost will determine whether for B2B or B2C, focus on the needs of your customers and explain how your company will solve their unique challenges.

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